Lambrusco Vinegar
Lambrusco Wine Vinegar with Honey & Serrano Chili
Lambrusco Wine Vinegar with Honey and Serrano Chili
Lambrusco Wine Vinegar with Honey and Serrano Chili
Cibaria's Honey Lambrusco Vinegar with Serrano Chili is a delicious sweet, tart combination with the fire of Serrano Chili's. The Lambrusco Wine vinegar gives it a sour-sharp and swooningly sweet flavor with a bit of fizz, and a touch of berry. It is best used for dressings, sauces, marinades and as a finishing condiment drizzled over your favorite dishes.
Cibaria guarantees 12 months allowing for transit time, inventory movement and processing times.
Great Pairings: Orange Flavored Extra Virgin Olive Oil Persian Lime Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Our website is finally rolling out the pre-packed bottle feature! Underneath each oil or vinegar, simply pick with bottle, cap and security seal you would like the product to be packed in and click Add to Cart, (as seen in the below image). If there are any questions or packing options that you'd like and do not see available please contact Customer Service at customerservice@cibaria-intl.com .

If you're interested in Cibaria labeling your bottle for you, please coordinate with Customer Service for the logistics and additional cost.
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